Insights| Stories Behind: The Sticks Collection Pure and graphic, the award-winning Sticks Collection by Arik Levy is characterized by glowing aluminum rods that rotate on their own axis, directing light precisely where needed. The ...
Insights| My Pick: Designer Professionals Select Their Favourite Ceiling Lights Ceiling lights often serve as the anchor of a room’s lighting scheme. Positioned overhead, they provide general illumination in a wide range of shapes, sizes, and materials. What’s more, in versions from pendants to ...
Insights| Stories Behind: The Top Collection Ramos & Bassols created Vibia’s LED-powered Top collection, a streamlined design defined by a pair of concentric circles. The simple spheres form a focal point that recalls a bullseye pulsing with ...
Insights| Q&A: Josep Lluís Xuclà Based in Barcelona, Josep Lluís Xuclà is the founder of his namesake design studio, known for interior design as well as lighting and furniture design. Xuclà’s work has earned international recognition over the ...
Insights| Vibia’s Summer Reading List: 2020 Edition With many people staying closer to home this summer, a good reading list is more important than ever. What better way to relax during these lazy days than with a design book filled with ...
Insights| Vibia Introduces New Chromatica Toolkit Last year, Vibia introduced an innovative colour concept called Chromatica. Created to serve as an inspirational and practical tool for designers and architects, the cutting-edge system features a palette of 23 hues—including darks, vibrants, ...
Insights| Conversations: Elizabeth von Lehe. HDR, New York City A New York City-based design and brand strategy principal at the international design firm HDR, Elizabeth von Lehe relishes the cross-disciplinary and global nature of her role. The multi-platform HDR ...
Insights| Biophilic Design With Vibia Lighting From LEED buildings and sustainable materials to eco-friendly décor, design today is increasingly oriented to the environment. But the idea is not a new one: For decades designers have been inspired by “biophilia,” a ...
Insights| Inspirational Design Concept: Bringing the outdoors in Light and vegetation become interconnected within indoor settings, recreating the sensation of natural environments. Palma The capacity for Palma to create ambience within an interior setting increases ...
Insights| Inspirational Design Concept: Warm wood The warmth of natural materials surrounds us through the subtle expression of technology. Duo Duo is a ceiling lamp designed by Ramos & Bassols, which combines the natural warm ...
Insights| Instagram Love: At Home With Vibia Home is where the heart is—especially now. With people around the world sheltering in place, a comfortable residence has never been more important. And one of the key elements in creating a soothing atmosphere ...
Insights| Conversations: Susanna Cots Design, Begur, Spain Based in Begur, along the Costa Brava in Spain’s Catalonia region, designer Susanna Cots points to her surroundings—and nature—as her primary source of inspiration. A beautiful medieval village with just 300 residents, Begur ...