Lighting Solutions| Refined lighting for cozy corners Our homes are often shared spaces filled with activity and socialising. Amidst this commotion, it’s essential to carve out private moments for ourselves—places where we can retreat to read, listen to music, think, ...
Lighting Solutions| Algorithm: Bespoke lighting on an intimate scale Lighting is a functional and formal statement, whether for large scale installations or intimate spaces where first impressions or daily familiarity is a consideration. Jewel like retail spaces, or cherished corners of ...
Lighting Solutions| Lighting Connections: elevating outdoor pathways Landscaped areas around the home and even garden paths are converted into a magical canvas for lighting designers. Whether it be the connection between the road and front door, or a pathway through ...
Lighting Solutions| Mayfair welcomes three new colors to its palette The Mayfair collection stands as a testament to contemporary design. Characterized by a sleek silhouette and timeless style, it blends modern aesthetics with enduring elegance, making a statement in any setting. Previously available ...
Lighting Solutions| Dining & Design: Fostering Social Connection Through Light In a fast-paced digital world, taking the time to dine with loved ones is a source of well-being. Whether you are treating yourself to a meal at your favorite restaurant or enjoying a ...
Lighting Solutions| Brightening outdoor atmospheres Our homes become much more porous with the arrival of summer, we leave doors and windows open to allow fresh air in and make a connection with the outdoors. The surrounding exterior terraces ...
Lighting Solutions| An Array of Applications Array provides design professionals with the means to instantly enrich a space. Composed of an array of fine threads pulled taut between two metal rings, the collection presents a variety of elegant conical and ...
Lighting Solutions| Holistic bedroom lighting The bedroom is more than just a place to sleep: it is a restorative space in which to slow down and unwind from the pressures of modern life; an intimate space where we can ...
Lighting Solutions| Introducing Knit: Reflections on Light and Materiality The work of German designer Meike Harde, light and materiality collide with Knit. The design consists of a single knitted lycra sleeve stretched out over a seemingly flattened spheres. Light seeps outwards through ...
Lighting Solutions| Enveloping light: Introducing Array Array is an exploration of thread and its potential to create lightweight and dynamic sculptures of light. Composed of an array of fine threads pulled taut between two rings, the collection presents a ...
Lighting Solutions| Lighting That Looks to Nature As part of its mission to provide better spaces for better living, Vibia offers many collections that conjure the natural world—in inspiration, design, and materials. Among them are Palma, designed by ...
Lighting Solutions| The Versatility of Vibia’s Tempo Wall Lamp Designed by Lievore Altherr, Tempo is a contemporary take on classic lighting archetypes. The streamlined, LED-powered fixture features a wall sconce version that is available in two arm lengths, providing versatile solutions for ...